Our Story

Despite effective retinal therapy, still millions go blind every year.
Our medical co-founders have demonstrated how to overcome this issue. Now, we scale their 2nd-opinion-approach globally - using AI.

They believe in us


Our medical co-founders establish one of the 1st tele-ophthalmic networks worldwide (Münster "Portal") to provide 2nd opinions on retinal therapy


Digital study protocol (eCRF) to monitor success


One of the 1st publications on improving therapy adherence + persistence (patient compliance)


Start of using AI to analyse the growing therapy data with Prof. Reiner Kurzhals


Publication of 1st results in tele-ophthalmic network (Münster "Portal") of better outcomes (s. graph) and more patients remaining in therapy compared to standard-of-care


Presentation at DOC of groundbreaking 2-year-outcomes of 3x better outcomes (s. graph) + 2x more patients remaining in therapy

German AI award for deepeye research project


Incorporation of deepeye Medical GmbH


Initial publication of AI as a 2nd opinion to support retinal therapy, supported by Novartis

Collaboration with University Eye Hospital of Munich (LMU), one of the largest EU eye clinic with a retinal AI research group


Publication together with Bayer, transferring the prognostic AI to diverse populations, imaging machines and regimens